Virtual “Blingo” fund-raiser to take place in April
People who enjoy the excitement of a daily prize drawing may want to take part in the fifth annual Sassy Baggs & Beyond “Bingo” fundraising event to benefit people with disabilities.
Typically for the Blingo event, more than 120 people gather at The Resource Center for a night of bingo, with designer handbags as prizes. That wasn’t possible this year because of the pandemic, so instead organizers have created a “20 Prizes in 20 Days” event.
Every weekday starting April 5 and lasting through the end of the month, Filling the Gap, Inc., will hold a drawing for one of 20 prizes. The prizes include handbags, gift cards, a smart speaker, an air purifier, a wireless charging station, a blender, windchimes, and an air fryer. All of the prizes can be viewed at
“Our 2021 Blingo event has taken the fun to another level,” said Victoria Trass Bardo, Development and Events Manager. “The details are 20 prizes, 20 tickets for $20 for 20 days of fun. We included items that are unique and a wide variety that surely has something for everyone. Winners will be selected at noon each day on Facebook live.”
A $20 ticket gives the buyer one chance in each of the daily drawings. People can improve their odds of winning by buying multiple tickets. Tickets can be bought online at the Filling the Gap web site or in person at the Felice Corporate Center, 92 Fairmount Avenue in Jamestown, and The Resource Center’s administrative offices at 200 Dunham Avenue in Celoron. Tickets can be purchased until March 31.
The Blingo event is being organized by Filling the Gap, which works with The Resource Center to improve the lives of people with disabilities in Chautauqua County. Proceeds will benefit the Mark Pacheco WOW (Working on Wonders) Fund at the Chautauqua Region Community Foundation. The WOW Fund, which was created in memory of a Resource Center employee who died in 2010, supports people with disabilities to enjoy awesome experiences.
Click here to listen to a radio interview about our Blingo event. For more information, phone Vicky at 661-1477.

Filling the Gap officials pose with tickets and prizes for this year’s Blingo fund-raiser. Pictured are, from left, Ashley Hammond, Human Resources/Payroll Supervisor; Cindy Hitchcock, Vice President of Business and Finance; Victoria Trass Bardo, Development and Events Manager; and Kayla Bohall, Payroll/Special Event Assistant.